Computer Science Certificates


Value Proposition Description

Graduate Certificate

The Computer Science graduate certificate program at WPI offers you a cohesive set of graduate-level courses in a specialized area of computer science to enhance your knowledgebase and increase your marketability in the workforce. While a prior degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is highly recommended, anyone with a BA or BS in any field may complete this certificate program.

You will complete a set of courses in your area of interest: computer and communications networks, artificial intelligence, database design, database systems, graphics/image processing/visualization, programming languages, and software engineering and interface design.

Advanced Certificate

WPI’s Computer Science advanced certificate program allows you to continue your studies in advanced topics in the computer science and technology discipline in which you hold your graduate degree. An MS degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is required for admission to this certificate program.

In the program, you will choose five electives in the field of artificial intelligence. You’ll also have the benefit of academic advising, without committing to a full graduate degree program.


This program requires students to complete 4-5 thematically related courses in their area of interest. Each student’s program of study must be approved by the academic advisor. Academic advisors are assigned upon admission to the program but may be changed in accordance with departmental policies.

Note: CS 525 (Special Topics in Computer Science) may be used to satisfy certificate requirements. Some CS 525 topics appear below. Additional topics that satisfy certification program requirements may be offered.


  • Operating Systems (CS 502)
  • Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (CS 535)
  • Choose 2:
    • Analysis of Computations and Systems (CS 504)
    • Introduction to Local and Wide Area Networks (CS 513)
    • Advanced Systems Architecture (CS 514/ECE 572)
    • Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network and Computer Systems (CS 533/ECE 581)


  • Choose 4:
    • Analysis of Computations and Systems (CS 504)
    • Introduction to Local and Wide Area Networks (CS 513)
    • Operating Systems (CS 502)
    • High-Performance Networks (CS 530/ECE 530)
    • Advanced Computer and Communications Networks (CS 577/ECE 537)
    • Telecommunications Transmission Technologies (ECE 535)
    • Wireless Information Networks (ECE 538)


  • Choose 4:
    • Artificial Intelligence (CS 534)
    • Knowledge-Based Systems (CS 538)
    • Machine Learning (CS 539)
    • Computer Vision (CS/RBE 549)
    • Artificial Intelligence in Design (CS 540)
    • Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining (CS548)
    • Graphical Models for Reasoning Under Uncertainty (CS 566)
    • Artificial Intelligence for Adaptive Educational Technology (CS 568)


  • Database Management Systems (CS 542)
  • Advanced Topics in Database Systems (CS 561)
  • Choose 2:
    • Analysis of Computations and Systems (CS 504)
    • Design of Software Systems (CS 509)
    • Special Topics: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (CS 525)
    • Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (CS 562)


  • Choose 4:
    • Database Management Systems (CS 542)
    • Advanced Topics in Database Systems (CS 561)
    • Foundational Aspects Of Database Systems (CS 556)
    • Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining (CS548)
    • Special Topics: Selected Topic in Databases  (CS 525)


  • Choose 4:
    • Computer Graphics (CS 543)
    • Digital Image Processing (CS 545/ECE 545)
    • Computer Vision (CS/RBE 549)
    • Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics (CS 563)
    • Human-Computer Interaction (CS 546)
    • Biovisualization (BCB 502)
    • Special Topics: Data Visualization (CS 525)
    • Special Topics: Mobile Graphics (CS 525)


  • Choose 4:
    • Foundations of Computer Science (CS 503)
    • Programming Language Design (CS 536)
    • Compiler Construction (CS 544)
    • Special Topics: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (CS 525)


  • Choose 4:
    • Design of Software Systems (CS 509)
    • Human-Computer Interaction (CS 546)
    • Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (CS 562)
    • Special Topics: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (CS 525)


A BS or BA degree is the general requirement. An undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is the recommended background for admission to the Graduate Certificate Program in Computer Science.

Advanced Graduate Certificate Program


The program consists of a set of five courses (minimum), none of which were included in the student’s formal master’s program of study. The courses may either include a breadth or a depth option, and may be customized to satisfy a student’s unique needs. The program of study is reviewed and approved by the student’s academic advisor. Upon completion of the required course work, students are awarded a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in their particular program of study.

Note: CS 525 (Special Topics in Computer Science) may be used to satisfy advanced certificate requirements. Some CS 525 topics appear below. Additional topics that satisfy certification program requirements may be offered. In addition, CS 598, Directed Research (or, where appropriate, ECE 598), can be used to satisfy requirements.


  • choose 5: 
    • Introduction to Local and Wide Area Networks (CS 513) 
    • Advanced Systems Architecture (CS 514/ECE 572) 
    • Special Topics: Computer Engineering (CS 525/ECE 579) 
    • Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Network and Computer Systems (CS 533/ECE 581) 
    • Advanced Topics in Operating Systems (CS 535) 
    • VLSI Design (ECE 566)


  • choose 5:
    • Artificial Intelligence (CS 534)
    • Knowledge-Based Systems (CS 538)
    • Machine Learning (CS 539)
    • Artificial Intelligence in Design (CS 540)
    • Digital Image Processing (CS 545/ECE 545)
    • Computer Vision (CS 549/RBE 549)
    • Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (CS 548)
    • Graphical Models for Reasoning Under Uncertainty (CS 566)
    • Artificial Intelligence for Adaptive Educational Technology (CS 568)


An MS degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering is required for admission to the Advanced Graduate Certificate Program in Computer Science.


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